ZWECARS Distance Between Harare, Victoria Falls, Bulawayo, Beitbridge, Masvingo, Mutare, Gweru, Kariba.. 

Distances from places like Harare, Victoria Falls, Beitbridge, Bulawayo to other major destinations like Kariba town, Mutare, Gweru and Masvingo. Please note that these are close estimations, almost 99% correct. Just as good as official road maps and satellite navigation.

Here we have a driving distances table taken from 

We will later provide a road map of Zimbabwe with distances between cities and towns.


*Please enlarge to see better zimbabwe road distances between cities, from place to place.   The graph shows the distances between major cities and towns in Zimbabwe. It highlights how far you have to drive between places. Also showing how far you have to drive from a certain point to another area via the shortest possible routes on Zimbabwe road maps.

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