Bus from Harare Bulawayo to & from Johannesburg South Africa
Here is some information on cheap luxury bus companies for your trips to Harare–Bulawayo from South Africa or vise versa.
- pioneer
- intercape
- greyhound
Bus Operators: Intercape Buses, Pioneer Coaches, Intercity Buses, Greyhound and Citiliner Buses.
Reliability: These are highly reliable service
Fares and Prices: Between $30 and $50
Departure Point: Johannesburg Park Station
For up to date bus time table and trip schedules get in touch via websites or telephone info given below.
Contact Details
Intercape Buses phone numbers +27 21 380 4400
Pioneer Coaches: +263 4 663 7802 address 114 Dagenham Road Willowvale Harare
Intercity Buses: +27 31 305 9090, 1 Jeff Taylor Cres, Durban, South Africa
Greyhound Zimbabwe Coaches: + 263 425 3227 or +263 425 3228 Address Robert Mugabe Road Harare
After these buses depart Johannesburg for Bulawayo and Harare the journey will last for approximately 15 hours depending with the route, road situation and other factors like time taken at border crossing and traffic congestion.
We have listed Joburg as the main departure point from South Africa though some people may travel and connect from Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban.
Be aware of the different pick up points in Zimbabwe cities as there is no single bust station for long haul travelling.
All buses will pass via Beitbridge border post en route to Zimbabwe or South Africa. You may need to do advanced ticket booking before your cross border journey.