Kwekwe General Hospital Contact Details & Phone Numbers

The phone number is +263 55 24830 or +263 55 22333 Post address: Box 391 Kwekwe

kwekwe general hospital location

health service

We hope you like and appreciate our beautiful City of Kwekwe like we do!

This is a landline number and please note that there are chances that this number may be out of use other times. we do not have a mobile number yet. We have been asked by people on this site to give specific details and this is how far we can go. This is a very big hospital founded in 1900. It also serves as a teaching and referral hospital.

Kwekwe City Council Contact Details

kwekwe city council

council offices

Here is the phone number for Kwekwe City +263 55 22127

They are found at Civic Centre building on Bulawayo road.

Kwekwe is a mining town near the beautiful city of Gweru.





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