Zimbabwe Newspapers, Zimnews Online Sources
Here is a comprehensive list of Zimbabwe’s most visited news papers and portals online. Some have a blog news aggregators while others are bonafide newspapers with brick and motor offices and professional full time reporters and editors. If you know any Zimbabwe news source or tabloid that is not mentioned here, please let us know.
The News List
Daily News An independent privately owned newspaper based in Harare
Financial Gazette Dedicated to business and financial related matters
H Metro Publishing social scandals mainly in Harare and nearby areas.
Herald A state run paper covering all news angles
I Harare A Harare based news blog publishing humour and scandals. It has the most engaged followers.
Kwayedza A Shona weekly news publication
Newsday A daily newspaper from Harare
Standard Weekly news publication with intensive business coverage
Sunday Mail This is published on sundays online and in print
Nehanda Radio A UK based online news source
New Zimbabwe A very popular UK based online news portal
News dze Zimbabwe An online Zimbabwe News aggregator
Zim Eye A UK based online news source
Zimbabwe Situation An established online news portal