Chinhoyi Caves Recreational Park Zimbabwe

chinhoyi cave waters
Opening times: 9am to 5 pm
Location: Along A1, Mashonaland West, Near Chinhoyi Town
Chinhoyi caves are located near the quiet town of Chinhoyi in Mashonaland West Zimbabwe on the A1 road between Harare and Chirundu Border Post.It is about 136 KM from Harare and about 251 KM from Chirundu border post(Zimbabwe-Zambia border).
Popularity: Ranked among some of the best underwater caves, Chinhoyi Caves of
fer one of the best cave diving experiences.Since the 1960s divers have come from places like South, UK, Australia to as far as United States of America. Local Zimbabweans also visit the place en route to Lake Kariba. The walls of the caves are supported by dolomite and limestone, the view is very impressive with some vertical walls going over 21 meters at the Sleeping Pool. The caves are a network of tunnels and caverns with names like Dark Cave, Wonder Hole, Blind Cave & Dark Cave.
History: Oral and written records tell us that the caves used to be a hiding sanctuary for local people against rival clans in years gone by.Some say criminals and offenders were thrown into the deep as punishment. Whatever the past, the Chinhoyi caves are definitely among the top best and most fascinating places to visit and see in Zimbabwe. They are good for ‘diving sports’ and recreational tours.
Warm waters: the water temperature of the Chinhoyi caves is always at 22 degrees Celsius(72 Fahrenheit) throughout the year. The source of the caves in not known. It is very likely that there are some caves that are yet to be discovered.
Visibility: The water is blue, very clean and clear. Most times visibility is about 52 meters, very impressive if you compare with other top diving caves in the world.
Depth: The Chinhoyi caves are believed to be over 170 metres deep. In 1969, South African divers went just over 100 meters deep. In 1992 American Navy divers went 136 Metres deep. The actual depth of Chinhoyi Caves is still a speculation though the past records can give some clue.
Accessibility: Located just 10 KM from Chinhoyi town close to the A1 road. The place is a good stop over when visiting major resorts in other places.
pictures by D.F.P
Chinhoyi Caves Accommodation Services
Lodging Facilities
There are a number of lodges, hotels and motels around Chinhoyi caves that can be used if visiting the place or travelling between Harare and Kariba-Zambezi regions.
Chinhoyi University Hotel
This is a decent and secure place for your stay if you need to stay in Chinhoyi. It is at Chinhoyi University campus run by the college’s tourism department. It has en suite rooms with satellite TV, conference facilities and more. Phone number for Chinhoyi University + 263 672 2203.
Chinhoyi Caves Motel
This place is right at the caves. It is owned by zimparks. Sometimes difficult to get them via phone. If you get stranded in Chinhoyi, this is the place to go. Right at the caves.
Sunrise Lodges
Sunrise Guest House accommodation is very close to Chinhoyi caves. It is located in the Orange Grove suburbs. The number to enquire is +263 772 352 269.
Note: We are not an affiliate of these hotels and lodges.