VID Zimbabwe Contact Address Details & Phone Numbers

Here are the contact address details and phone numbers for the Zimbabwe Vehicle Inspectorate Department(VID) offices in Harare Zimbabwe.      CONTACT DETAILS: THE CHIEF VEHICLE INSPECTOR 16TH FLOOR, Kaguvi Building Cnr. 4th / Central Avenue Causeway HARARE Tel:...

Air Zimbabwe’s New Harare Dar es Salaam Flights

Zimbabwe’s national airline Air Zimbabwe will be resuming  Harare-Dar es Salaam  Tanzania flights starting on Saturday  14th of May. This is a welcome move to many Zimbabwe businesses and small scale traders who desperately need cheaper flight options to East...

Mutarazi Falls

Mtarazi(Mutarazi) is a 763m free-leaping waterfall of two delicate tiers, in Honde Valley in the Eastern Highlands of Manicaland Zimbabwe. The waterfall occur at a point where the Mutarazi river flows over the edge of the eastern escarpment of Zimbabwe’s eastern...

Chirinda Farm Forest Zimbabwe

Where is Chirinda Forest in Zimbabwe Chirinda Rain Forest is a 960 ha evergreen Botanical Reserve near Mount Selinda in Chipinge, Zimbabwe just north of Gonarezhou National Park. The reserve is known for its year round moisture in the form of mist, dew and rainfall....

Gandavaroyi Falls

          Gandavaroyi Falls Zimbabwe Gandavaroyi Falls are located in the northern end of Gokwe district in Zimbabwe. They are considered among Zimbabwe’s most breathtaking landmarks. The place is a massive crater surrounded by steep cliffs. Here the water falls into...

Wedding Venues in Harare-Zim Weddings

With so many beautiful gardens, parks and tailor made locations, Harare  Zimbabwe is the ideal place for weddings and related  activities like anniversaries, bridal showers and groom parties. Below is a list of places and locations that have been recommended...
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